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Hola! How're you doing? I'm hoping for the best. I wish you a very happy new year. This is gonna be my 1st post in this new year 2023 'Tis. This is...
Hello there! How do you do? I hope you're extremely doing well. Well, this time I've come up with a cloning project. And yes. It's the all time famous...
How's your weekend going? I hope it's fruitful and lovely! Here comes a cool react project which is the "task tracker". Let me steel the next 3...
Hello there! How do you do? I hope you're doing extremely awesome! Just here to steal 5 minutes of your time (barely) if you'd allow me. Here comes my...
Hey there! How do you do? I hope you're doing superb! I hope the very best for you. Here comes a tiny cool thing called "Eyes Watching Mouse" (wait a...
Hello there! I hope you're living your best life now. Just another weekend. Another cool project. This time it's the login page. Let's Start...